Thursday 21 October 2010


Tae say i used to be pretty obsessed with blogging i don't really write anymore do i :|
lol well. college is abs amaze. like really, i've made so many friends.. summit which i have tae say i have struggled with in the past. it's the holidays now. we're off to butlins tomorrow. yesterday was mine and jordans 6th month anniversary. time flies, huh? lulz i was just reading old blogs, ach. ewan's gone back into hospital. i cannae stand it when he's away. i hate having to email martine. it kills me inside. i wish i could be there to hold his hand, but i can't. i need him to get better. i /need/ him tae get the all clear.
why is that so much to ask fer?
he's 38 years old for gods sakee. he's not an old man, not that old men should get ill anyway but you know. he's got a good 40/50 years maybe to live. and make happy memories. and to think all that can just be taken away from him in the click of a finger is so fucking unfair.
he's been so sweet with me lately. ever since he got out of hospital the last time round. i think he's scared, but he won't let on because he doesn't want to upset me. he's such a lovely man and it hurts that he's going through all this shit.
ach. what more can i say? i guess i have to concentrate on jordan but it can be so hard sometimes.
i lay awake alot thinking about ewan wondering what a life with him in would be like.
is that so bad? idkkkk.
tatty-bye x

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