Monday 19 July 2010


FAAMEEE!!!!!! I'm gonna live foreverrr!!!!!
Hello lovely world. I got a phone call this morning from something to do with a tv show. Appaz I'm going to have the producer of this TV show ringing me up once they've processed my application. EEEE. (: paha. Today is such a weird day. I never thought I'd be woken up with my excited mother extending her arm with a phone on the end saying someone to do with being on TV is on the phone. lololol. It's my & Jordans 3 month anniversairy tomorrow. :] we're going to the cinemaaaaaaa. So yes. My world is very odd at the moment, and that's just how i like it (: I have both phones on my bed waiting for this bloody tv producer to ring me. They better hurry (; Geeeeeee. ^-^ Andddd. I hope Ewan's okay. He went into hospital Saturday to start his treatments but I haven't heard anything yett. Jordan better be coming to see me today grrr. My mum wants me to wash up. i was like i won't need you when i'm famouuussssss ;) tehe giddy geeee i ordered a biffy clyro tee off is it bad to order mens clothes? :| HM. Who cares. I'm off. with a boom and a bang and a ttfn (; x

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