Thursday 24 June 2010


In another half an hour I shall be sat in the doctors having my vag probed. No joke. I'm still waiting on my letter from Morvenn. Lol, I've just been reading old Ewan emails. He makes me smile something so :3 So does Jordan though; he's so sweet but sometimes he can get a bit immature and i'm just like erhhh. D; I hatee summer. I hate it being hot. It's good in winter cause you get the cheery christmas spirit and get to wear a million clothes and no one cares what you look like as long as your warm :] I need to get dressed. But I have no clothes. Cuz I'm lazy. And cba'd doing any washing. Hm. I feel sick. I think it's probably nerves. I don't want to pull my pants down to some doctor person. And spread my legs. So they can poke something up my vag. And nuu I haven't got AIDS >>.
I need to train for Race for Life D; Buttt it's too damn hot :@
Ach. I need to go. And get dressed. And then sit and think about my life some more. And try ringing Jordan. He can sleep through fecking anything. v_v
TTFN :] x

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