Wednesday 9 June 2010

Take me away

I want to get away from everything. I've asked Jordan if we can go camping up in Scotland in the summer holidays. Hundreds of miles away from this place I might be able to relax. When I'm older I want to live in Scotland. My best friend lives up there. Morven :3 I love her to bits, I've only known her 2 years but it feels like a lifetime. I've always wanted to travel up North. It looks a really beautiful country up there. Well, I'd love to go to Edinburgh anyway. I love their accent too :3 lol Jordan gets jealous sometimes but like I've told him it would be weird if he was Scottish :| Another reason why I want to get away from here is because everyone knows too much about me around here. Like, my past, and they're so judgemental, you know? I'm not proud of the things I've done, looking back I was pretty fucked up at 13. Not in the way you'd think, I didn't do drugs, or go around getting drunk and lying in gutters. It was stuff I'm not even sure I'm happy writing down yet. But yeah. >< . I keep messing up on my Prozac and ach :/ I missed my course today because I just physically couldn't get out of bed for hours and hours. I hate being like this. I don't want to have to be on tablets forever more but everyone on my dads side of the family are. And I hate them. I'm not even being nasty they are actual weirdos. Am I weird? My friends say I should never change but sometimes I feel like I have to. Idk. Latersss.

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