Sunday 27 June 2010

Just for tonight, just maybe we'll make it.

Just for tonighttttt. Just maybe we've made it. Sing like you want this;;
Hello world. Big, strange, mysterious world.
World that I don't /really/ like just now.
Hm. I'm going to have to cut down on my blogging.
I blog when there's sod all to say. Just cause I can :]
Morvens posted my letter at last. 5 pages long, appaz.
I like writing letters. I want to write one to Ewan. Pah. It's all so complicated. By the time I'd written a letter and posted it he'd be back in hospital anyway. Idk his address. His parents might find it odd a 17-year-old is writing to their 36-year-old son. Andd. It could get lost in the post. And. It wouldn't be able to be mega personal incase someone else opened it. ><. I hate this. I think It's the not knowing that gets to me. I wanna know he's okay, safe, and well. And most of all happy. Him with his contagious cheery spirit. The guy guaranteed to make me smile. Every time, bbz. :]
I have Race for Life on Sunday. Well, next Sunday, not today. But yah. The way things are going i'll be in hospital by then not jogging around a 5k course. Gah. I'm nervous. I /so/ much want to beat last years time of like 42. somethinggg minutes. I've done feck all training though. And I was possibly more active this time last year so mh ._. I just want to make my people proud. ><. Ewan said he was proud of me last time. I'm sure my nan would be too :] I miss her ._. Anyway. It's likeee. 02:18am so tatty-bye. x

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