Friday 5 November 2010

I love him ._.

fuckkk, what've I done :|
let me have my prince back, k?

Thursday 21 October 2010


Tae say i used to be pretty obsessed with blogging i don't really write anymore do i :|
lol well. college is abs amaze. like really, i've made so many friends.. summit which i have tae say i have struggled with in the past. it's the holidays now. we're off to butlins tomorrow. yesterday was mine and jordans 6th month anniversary. time flies, huh? lulz i was just reading old blogs, ach. ewan's gone back into hospital. i cannae stand it when he's away. i hate having to email martine. it kills me inside. i wish i could be there to hold his hand, but i can't. i need him to get better. i /need/ him tae get the all clear.
why is that so much to ask fer?
he's 38 years old for gods sakee. he's not an old man, not that old men should get ill anyway but you know. he's got a good 40/50 years maybe to live. and make happy memories. and to think all that can just be taken away from him in the click of a finger is so fucking unfair.
he's been so sweet with me lately. ever since he got out of hospital the last time round. i think he's scared, but he won't let on because he doesn't want to upset me. he's such a lovely man and it hurts that he's going through all this shit.
ach. what more can i say? i guess i have to concentrate on jordan but it can be so hard sometimes.
i lay awake alot thinking about ewan wondering what a life with him in would be like.
is that so bad? idkkkk.
tatty-bye x

Thursday 7 October 2010


i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

i hate it.

bad tae worse.

lol wtf is ach wrong with me. i'm liek. falling for my boyf's mum. how freaking normal is dat?! O.o ..not vair. lol like. i hate how fucked up i am. why can't it just be straight forwards, why can't i just love jordan and feel feck all fer anyone else? ._. lulz i know if he simply even looked at another girl it'd break my heart. yet i'm in love with a 37year old man and nao possibly jordans mum?! life sucks biiiiiig time, sometimes. most of the time. ye.

Idk i'm just sick of this crap, mahn.


Saturday 2 October 2010

i haven't blogged since i was 17 :|

I have missed you blogger.
I cannae put commars in my blogz tonight cuz i'm at G-Forces and he spunked on his keyboard so some of the buttons broke becuz he iz gay. :)
lol likee. Idk why i haven't blogged.
Maybe i'm just gay.
Things are quite good atm.
I started college and made a nice group of friends.
I have an amaze boyfriend.
And stufffffffsssss.
I lav you blogger. You let me read old blogs and i can liek ponder on my previous times.

Sunday 15 August 2010

''and you should never forget anyone that you've loved.''

13 days until I'm eighteeenn. lol I don't want to be an adult >_< maybe it's just like. The responsibilities I don't want. idk. I like being 17 tbh. O. And. I forgot. To blog. Martineeeee emailed last week or summat. Ewan's okay but he hasn't started his chemo yet cause he's like got a kidney infection and stuffs. ._. How is he meant to get better if he's not being treatedd? For his Cancer, that is. Achh. lol I'm at G-Forces, more commonly known as Jordan. :] I spent most of my life here atm. It's weird lol. I do miss home just I seem to end up arguing with my mum & brothers when I'm there so y'know.
Sooo. London next week (: ohhh. And like. I fell out with Mikala and co. lmao they were right bastardsss. On about me preffering my ''imaginary 12 year old friend'' (aka Morven who's 15 soon) and a ''35year old paedophile with a pegleg.'' (aka Ewan.. -.-)  who needs friends like that hm? lol going on my blog title i watched this film, Hachi : A dogs story. I've never cried so much at a film, if all. it was just so.. sad. |: lol like. I cba'd writing it all down but if you like dogs then it's a must. (:   anyway. that's all really. apart from me and Jordan nearly set a house on fire with a chinese lantern. Lmao. >_<    You know, I might've done shit at school and stuff but in the long run i'm kinda glad i did cause i've got everything going for me atm :] just hope Ewan gets better asa.

TTFN. :] x

Thursday 5 August 2010

My best friend.

It's been almost a month now. Nothing. Not one single email. I can't lose my bestfriend. I just can't. My heart will be ripped out. My world will be over. Jusstttttt.

Please let Ewan be okay ><.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Hello World :]

Hello world. I am in pain. Operation toe has commenced. Aye. It was painful but pain = beauty apparantly. And I swear on baby Jesus I do not have normal toes. v_v
We are going to Primrose Valley soon. For a week. A week stuck in a caravan with my mother and insane brothers. And the dog of course. Not that I have anything against Minstrel. I have to share a room with my brother. Great stuff. I am almost 18years of age and I shall have to sleep almost ontop of my 14year old hormonal brother. I think he's 14 anyway. I don't actually know. I know my other brother's 10 but that's only because he rudley interrupted my 7th birthday party. Pfh. Some people don't know how lucky they are. It's a nightmare having to share your birthday with your younger brother. On my 15th birthday I was stuck inside watching my brother play pass the parcel. Imagine that. Because we have ''family'' days. But seeing as this year I'm 18 I actually get a choice. And we're off to London. To see the Lion King in a proper west end musical thing. I've always loved the Lion King even though the first film should've been a 12 considering it had horny lions in. Which is true. When Simba and Nala rolled down the hill. And you know. She gave him that look. And he licked her. Which is what lions do i suppose. Not that i'd know. Because I'm not a lion. Thank God. Anyway, moving on from our wild inner beastiness, I still haven't heard from this Dutch friend of Ewans. Perhaps she's busy shaving all her hair off. After all he did say the dutch women had hairy legs and armpits. Or was that the Germans? And why only the women anyway? Does that mean that the men tidy themselfs up? Jesus. I can't stay and blog for long. I have to be up in the morning. We're going holiday shopping. Well. My mum reckons I need a new bra because mine doesn't fit. She wants me to get measured. There is something pervy though about strange women feeling you up in the changing rooms to see what size you are. The last time I got measured I was told to kind of jiggle my boobs about so they'd go in. Is that kind of a lesbiany thing to ask a 14year old girl to do? Or not? Not that I have anything against lesbianity at all. I just don't want them coming onto me. I mean, I have got a boyfriend and everything. Not that I want a girlfriend. But you know. Anyway fellow blogger chums, I best be off. Lot's of sleep to do and things. And I might ring Jordan. And try and have a sane conversation with him. Because apparantly i'm insane. But that's okay because normal people are boring. Right?
TTFN :] x

Monday 19 July 2010


FAAMEEE!!!!!! I'm gonna live foreverrr!!!!!
Hello lovely world. I got a phone call this morning from something to do with a tv show. Appaz I'm going to have the producer of this TV show ringing me up once they've processed my application. EEEE. (: paha. Today is such a weird day. I never thought I'd be woken up with my excited mother extending her arm with a phone on the end saying someone to do with being on TV is on the phone. lololol. It's my & Jordans 3 month anniversairy tomorrow. :] we're going to the cinemaaaaaaa. So yes. My world is very odd at the moment, and that's just how i like it (: I have both phones on my bed waiting for this bloody tv producer to ring me. They better hurry (; Geeeeeee. ^-^ Andddd. I hope Ewan's okay. He went into hospital Saturday to start his treatments but I haven't heard anything yett. Jordan better be coming to see me today grrr. My mum wants me to wash up. i was like i won't need you when i'm famouuussssss ;) tehe giddy geeee i ordered a biffy clyro tee off is it bad to order mens clothes? :| HM. Who cares. I'm off. with a boom and a bang and a ttfn (; x

Thursday 15 July 2010

I want a rara skirt.

lol. why does everything have to change. life is so weird at the moment. i guess it always is.
i hardly even come on here anymore but i just wanted to say that really.


Friday 9 July 2010

fuck off.

I'm so pissed off. I'm supposed to be in a 'relationship' with someone who doesn't even trust me enough to tell me the shit that's going on in his life. Pah. When the fuck do boys evolve into men? And he reckons he loves me more than anything. Yeah right. I'm sick of this. It fucks with my head. I've cried so much lately. After Macca I swore to myself I'd never fall in love with anyone ever again. Even though I guess with him it wasn't /proper/ love, as some people might call it. It was probably more of an infatuation. The obsession of wanting to be in love with someone. And now my boyfriend's the one being a dick yet it's /me/ who's ringing him to try and sort stuff out. Lol. He won't even pick up. I mean yeah, 9/10 times it's my fault we argue, but this time he's just being a dickhead. I hate the hurt that comes along with loving someone. I seem to get that more than the actual joyous part. Aacchh. Idk what to do. Do I just leave him alone? Leave him altogether? Lolno. I don't want to fall out with him. I don't think I could ever leave him. I do love him. Just lately he's been a bit of a bastard. He blames it on stopping smoking. Well. I know what addictions are like but I never lashed out at anyone when I was quitting mine. I didn't even really talk about it. Probably because if i talked about it I'd think about it, and then I'd want to do it. It's all one biiiig circle ya see. I know I'm not exactly the best of people. I'm shit when it comes to relationships but I do try. I tell him everything. I even trust him enough to put myself in a vulnerable position with him and cry down the phone to him. It takes ages to trust someone like that. When you can get everything thrown back in your face. I know what it feels like and it's fucking horrible tbh. I've felt really suicidal lately. I haven't felt like that in a long long time. I tell him I feel suicidal, all I get back is, ''and how do you think that will affect me?'' ..well tbh when someone wants out they don't tend to think too much about other peoples feelings. Selfish? Maybe. Erhh, I feel tired, and sick. :( I'll try ringing Jordan once more and If he doesn't answer then he can go fuck off :]

Monday 5 July 2010

I'm back.. back again :]

Waw. So I guess I haven't wrote for a while :) busybusybusybeeee. Anywho;; did my Race for Life yesterday, did it in 36minutes 19seconds ;D WHICH i was happy with because last year i did it in 42minutes somethingggg and I haven't even trained or owt. I suppose it's because I had the /massive/ motivation of Ewan :] Speaking of which, I hope he's okay :/ Haven't heard from Martine since she said she was going ''holidaying'' soon. Oo-er. O.o . HM. Got my letter from Morven :3 and wrote one back. I love letters. I need to buy some stamps cause I stole all my mummys >< . Achh. I'm supposed to be sleeping at Jordan's tonight. I'm still in bed lol. I keep falling asleep and having weird dreams. I went to this drama presentation last Thursday which was like to show us what we'd be doing when we started in September. It was really good. I just hope I can be as good D;
Short blog i know but tbh I'm not sure what to talk about ._.
I guess I'll think of something, later :]
I love you, world. Most of the time.
TTFN;; x

Tuesday 29 June 2010

I need a little time,

I want a Chinese lantern. You know the ones that fly. I want to light one for Ewan. And watch it drift off into the night. The only light lighting up my dark world :] couldn't define him more, tbh. I was supposed to be at Jordan's tonight. But part of me didn't even want to go. I just wanted to be in the middle of no where. With my prince. Cuddling up looking up at the billions of stars. No one to ruin the moment.

I want to go back in time.
To when we said our first words.
If I'd have only knew then how hard I'd have fallen,
Maybe I'd have never let it be
Or perhaps I'd have set out more prepared >< .

Sunday 27 June 2010

Just for tonight, just maybe we'll make it.

Just for tonighttttt. Just maybe we've made it. Sing like you want this;;
Hello world. Big, strange, mysterious world.
World that I don't /really/ like just now.
Hm. I'm going to have to cut down on my blogging.
I blog when there's sod all to say. Just cause I can :]
Morvens posted my letter at last. 5 pages long, appaz.
I like writing letters. I want to write one to Ewan. Pah. It's all so complicated. By the time I'd written a letter and posted it he'd be back in hospital anyway. Idk his address. His parents might find it odd a 17-year-old is writing to their 36-year-old son. Andd. It could get lost in the post. And. It wouldn't be able to be mega personal incase someone else opened it. ><. I hate this. I think It's the not knowing that gets to me. I wanna know he's okay, safe, and well. And most of all happy. Him with his contagious cheery spirit. The guy guaranteed to make me smile. Every time, bbz. :]
I have Race for Life on Sunday. Well, next Sunday, not today. But yah. The way things are going i'll be in hospital by then not jogging around a 5k course. Gah. I'm nervous. I /so/ much want to beat last years time of like 42. somethinggg minutes. I've done feck all training though. And I was possibly more active this time last year so mh ._. I just want to make my people proud. ><. Ewan said he was proud of me last time. I'm sure my nan would be too :] I miss her ._. Anyway. It's likeee. 02:18am so tatty-bye. x

Saturday 26 June 2010

Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard.

Just bring me back my prince, mhk?
That's all I want.


Thursday 24 June 2010


In another half an hour I shall be sat in the doctors having my vag probed. No joke. I'm still waiting on my letter from Morvenn. Lol, I've just been reading old Ewan emails. He makes me smile something so :3 So does Jordan though; he's so sweet but sometimes he can get a bit immature and i'm just like erhhh. D; I hatee summer. I hate it being hot. It's good in winter cause you get the cheery christmas spirit and get to wear a million clothes and no one cares what you look like as long as your warm :] I need to get dressed. But I have no clothes. Cuz I'm lazy. And cba'd doing any washing. Hm. I feel sick. I think it's probably nerves. I don't want to pull my pants down to some doctor person. And spread my legs. So they can poke something up my vag. And nuu I haven't got AIDS >>.
I need to train for Race for Life D; Buttt it's too damn hot :@
Ach. I need to go. And get dressed. And then sit and think about my life some more. And try ringing Jordan. He can sleep through fecking anything. v_v
TTFN :] x

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Chemicals all rushing through my bloodstream, only wish that you were here.

Yo :] yeah I'ma actually write normally for once. Well.
Unless I get bored (; No. But right. I have things to talk about v_v I had a dream last night. Ewan died. :/ ..I just.. had this voice recording he'd left me. And I kept playing it over and over again. I can't really remember what It said, or if i even understood it. Just his voice.. It was all I had left of him. It was awful, really. Martine emailed again. I'm not going to get to speak to him till mid-August. ><. It's fucking awful. He's the guy I talk to about.. well everything tbh. D; Race for Life in under a week and I haven't ach done any proper training. Jordans coming up sooon. I need to get in the bath D: erhh. why is life so shitty sometimes? .-. I mean, it's good that Ewan's going back into hospital, because don't get me wrong. I want him to get better. asap. He doesn't deserve this crap. He's a good person. ><. I don't really have much more to say. Just things are hard sometimes, but as a great friend of mine once said;

''Friends are there to keep you away from the edge.''

Monday 21 June 2010

Why not smile?

Hello again.
Fellow bloggers out thar. Lulz. I ach think I'm becoming a tad obsessed with you. Blogger. You. (;
I have had a really nice day actually. All colourful and all. Jordan came up. We had cuddles and photos. You know. Like all those teenyboppers do. Lolno. But really. It feels like I wanna be with him forever ><...
Is that so badddd?
like what if this is all just cause Ewan's away at the moment. I really don't know. I do love Jordan. I just love Ewan too. Lol this is shit. ><. But I wouldn't want to cheat on Jordan. ._. The only reason I have a boyfriend in the first place is because Ewan told me to find someone my own age who would treat me like the princess I deserve to be. Idk why people are so nice to me. Times like these I don't feel like such a great person.
TTFN? ><.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

Harry Potter :] I actually shall start reading the books again.
I blame it on the sunshine.
Jordan's in town buying me a KFC.
And white bed sheets for my mam.
He's our slave now you see. (;
N'aww. He loves it really.
Like he loves me.
And ''The Boys''
And Sheila.
That is all for now.

Friday 18 June 2010


Hello all. I'm here to complain. Because I can. And I shall. v_v
I have been stuck inside for two days now. With cramp from periodz. ): It's well shit. Why can't guys have periodz and shizz. >>. And babies. And bleed :( LOL, talking about bleeding some insane person came up with the idea of Pokemon sanitary pads o.- I shall find you sexy people the link in a bit, ochaye? Yeah. -smug- so anyway. Soon my brothers will be home from school and I won't be home alone again for three days. I hate being stuck in with everybody. I know that might sound bad. But like. I like my own space, you know? So I can ponder life and stuff. Martine emailed again this aft. She doesn't know what's happening with Ewan. She'll ask 'Joan' next time she's talking to her. Who the fuck is this Joan woman? His mam I'm guessing. But it pissed me off that she doesn't even know what's happening with him. She's supposed to be his pal and you know. Gah. Race for Life in less than 3 weeks now. I can't even run to the end of the road without getting a stitch never mind 3.1 miles. But I shall try my very bestest. Cause I have to make people proud. >< . I haven't spoken to Ewan in 2 weeks now. It's all very well hearing about him through other people (that don't seem to know fuck all anyway or even care for that matter) Pfh. He's my bestest friend, I love him so much. I wish he was here. I know I must be a bad person for loving him because I have Jordan now but I've loved him for 2 years and yeah D;
Anyway I'm off. For a while. Or something.

Wednesday 16 June 2010


We're arguing like every day now. I don't even know why. I go off in the randomist of mood swings. And It's difficult cause when I get upset/angry I just shut down. I can't talk about it for ages. And I know It can be frustrating. I ach hung up on him earlier just because I felt like shouting at him. For absolutly no reason. It's not fair on him but he says he loves me and he'd be miserable without me. I don't want a life without him either ><. I just wish I could be a better person. I fell asleep for hours and now all I want is to hear his voice but I think he's ignoring me. I've tried ringing him loads but he's not picking up. There could be a perfectly good explanation I guess but who would blame him if he was ignoring me? No one else would put up with my shit. He really must love me hm? It's odd how like. A few weeks ago I started my course and I found him without really looking for someone. It just happened you know. And It's great when It works out like that. The best things in life are never planned. I think atm every thing's just getting to me. Like I ach dislike myself atm. And the whole Ewan scenario which he's been /amazing/ about. How many guys would support you when you're upset over another guy? A; not a lot. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring but I'm going to try really hard to be a better person. A better girlfriend to a deserving guy. 10/10 times he always comes after me when I walk off in a mood. He's so great to me. He defines amazing. :]

Geoffrey Barlow and the curse of the ginger cat.

Yo. lol idk what the title's all about. Geoffykins is just another fucked up story of mine. Well. I didn't ach shag this one so it's not too bad (: I may go into more detail about him in a bit. When i've finished writing about today. Well i'm not even writing. I'm typing. But yeah, i'll shush now.
I woke up this morning to my mam shouting at me. ''Get uppp. Get ready, I ain't leaving till you're out of bed -rage-'' you actually have to love my mam. Even if she can be narrow minded at times and drive me completely insane if she wasn't in my life i'd just stay in bed all day, every day not doing anything and being a depressed dropout. : she has been really good to me in the past when i've gone through hell and back and i know she gets annoyed sometimes with me because she's scared i'm going back to my old ways, old habits, an' all that jazz >< . Anyway I do finally get up and get ready for my course. Jordan was still in bed when I got to town so I was a little pissed aff. Like, I had to walk in by myself for the first time ever when my hair's like this. Patchy and short and mh ._. As he so rightly put it self image is a bitch. He tells me i'm beautiful like nearly everyday. Gee, I love him >< . I was stupid if i ever doubted that. He always runs after me and puts things right even when I'm the one in the wrong. Which i always hate to admit because it puts me in that vulnerable position most people hate being in. So yeah. Most of my life savings has been blown on taxi fare. No joke. It's like £10 just to get to mine and back into town. It's not even my money ach. It's Jordan's. I feel guilty though sometimes, because I don't think I deserve everything he gives me. And that's not me asking for sympathy that's just me telling it how it is. For me anyway. :] Soooo. The story of Geoffrey Barlow and the curse of the ginger cat.
He's an odd one is Geoffrey. He's 31, lives with his grandma and her pussy cat Bobby. Geoffrey and Bobby share a 'special' relationship. Well, tbh, he's obsessed with cats. He once told me this story about when there was a dead cat in a bin bag and he threw it into a chip shop. What a normal, ordinary man he is. Well. I don't do normal but he's just something else. And yes. I am complaining. About Geoffrey. Because he is being a bastard atm. Like. I /lent/ him £70 MONTHS ago, (lent being the key word here) with a promise that I'd get it all back. Now he's started being a dick and is all ''well i didn't sign a contract it's not illegal if i don't give it back'' It's like wtaf. If it wasn't for me he'd be out on the streets penniless. Homeless. And more importantly, Bobby-less.
Why are the majority of the human race dickheads? Talking of race, or race(s) in this case, I finally wrote on my back sign for my Race for Life. I couldn't put Ewan's name. So I just put his initials really small in the bottom right hand corner. That might sound pathetic but in my heart it's him I'm running for. And my nan, but he has been so so amazing to me these past couple of years I can't quite find the words to describe. Anyway. Enough. I can hardly keep my eyes open. G'night Blogger and all you people out there :]
love, love, love
x o x o

Monday 14 June 2010

Make you feel my love.

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I went for a 40 minute jog tonight. Well, more like a 30 minute walk/jog thing with Minnie. I'm doing Race for Life you see, next month. For Ewan ><>< .

Minnie's my dog by the way. My 2-year-old chocolate Labrador :] she's amazing. It was such a nice feeling running with her next to me. My faithful companion hm? It was a really beautiful evening. The sky was full of pink and purple and blue. I wish Ewan could be here to see It with me. It's nice sometimes to just sit back and watch the world go by. Millions of people. Millions of different lives. You never really know what's out there but I'm trying to shape my future in a positive way. I have Jordan now, right? And he's good to me. Everyone can fantasize but sometimes you have to wake up to reality - something I've never been too great with. The show must go on, eh? Sometimes I wish it wouldn't though. Sometimes I'd happily press a button to get away from everything. I want so much and so much I can't have. Ach. If i can't do it for me I'll do it for the people that matter yeah? My mum.. my brothers.. my dog ofc.. Jordan, my friends, and Ewan obv :] I promised them I wouldn't give up so on we go.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Much more than this.

Nothing is going right. Everything is falling apart. Jordan finally gets the money for us to go to Scotland - then I find out Morven's not even going to be there. He was supposed to be stopping over tomorrow night but my mum's being a stupid cow about it. Lol. We're not even allowed to sleep in the same bed, let alone the same room. She treats me like I'm 13 or something. I'm so frustrated I'm ach in tears >< .
Andd. I still haven't heard anything from Ewan ._. It's been 10 days now. And nothing. Last time I heard from him he was going into a respite home. I hate not knowing. That has to be the worst thing. I wake up all shaky at 6:20 every morning then again at 8:30 - just to see If he's emailed me. Is that pathetic? That I care about him so much? He and Morven are my best friends and I dunno where I'd be without them. It feels like everyone I love and care about Is leaving me. It always happens like this so I guess I should be pretty immune to hurt by now? You'd think so hm? Like when this woman I was in love with got cancer and died. That was the first time I'd ever felt so strongly about someone, and she was ripped out of my life. I'm not asking for any ones sympathy vote, I don't want It, I just want people to stay around In my life for once. They're either millions of miles away. Or dying. Or both. With the exception of Jordan of course, which Is why I get scared sometimes because I've never had someone feel so much about me and still be here. Maybe I should try being positive for once? Lol. It doesn't help listening to Chris De Burgh. I love his music though. I love sentimental music. :) I'ma get Jordan to ring me or something to cheer me up. Make me smile. He always manages tooooo.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Take me away

I want to get away from everything. I've asked Jordan if we can go camping up in Scotland in the summer holidays. Hundreds of miles away from this place I might be able to relax. When I'm older I want to live in Scotland. My best friend lives up there. Morven :3 I love her to bits, I've only known her 2 years but it feels like a lifetime. I've always wanted to travel up North. It looks a really beautiful country up there. Well, I'd love to go to Edinburgh anyway. I love their accent too :3 lol Jordan gets jealous sometimes but like I've told him it would be weird if he was Scottish :| Another reason why I want to get away from here is because everyone knows too much about me around here. Like, my past, and they're so judgemental, you know? I'm not proud of the things I've done, looking back I was pretty fucked up at 13. Not in the way you'd think, I didn't do drugs, or go around getting drunk and lying in gutters. It was stuff I'm not even sure I'm happy writing down yet. But yeah. >< . I keep messing up on my Prozac and ach :/ I missed my course today because I just physically couldn't get out of bed for hours and hours. I hate being like this. I don't want to have to be on tablets forever more but everyone on my dads side of the family are. And I hate them. I'm not even being nasty they are actual weirdos. Am I weird? My friends say I should never change but sometimes I feel like I have to. Idk. Latersss.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Three wishes

So. I have this great boyfriend yeah? Like. I normally go for older guys. He's 6 months younger than me. I guess it doesn't really bother me. Maybe it's more of that sometimes I feel it isn't enough. Like. There's this other guy i'm emotionally involved with. Ewan. I've known him for around 2 years and he's 19 years older than me. If he didn't have cancer and wasn't married (even though they've split for like a year - well he left her) and he was actually in the same country as me then just maybe he'd be perfect. He understands me. I can tell him anything and everything and he never judges. I've never met him in RL. I know it might sound sad, and pathetic, but I love him so much. And I feel bad because my boyfriend knows about him - well he knows Ewan's my best friend and has cancer. And he's so sweet he's like;
''It's a shame he's not in the country else we could go and visit him because he obviously means alot to you.''
It breaks my heart. Jordan (the guy i'm going out with) is such a sweet guy and I guess i'd be devestated if we split. Am I being selfish? The chances of me and Ewan happening are like one in a million anyway for several reasons that i've pretty much mentioned ><. So onto the second thing. My hair. Like. I've pulled it all out twice now. I probably sound like some psycho but I can't help it and people don't understand unless they've been through it themselfs. Like my mum just had a go at me for it and said no one forced me to pull it out, but it's never that simple and she only ever seems to see things in black and white. :/ The 'condition' I have is called trichotillomania, a compulsive behaviour which gives you an uncontrolable urge to pull out your hair. Anyway, I promised the guy with cancer that I wouldn't pull again so i'm trying really hard. But I have a massive patch on my head where my hair isn't growing and it's horrible. D: Pfh. I probably sound selfish, when people are going through loads of shit in life and i'm just sat here complaining about mine. I was reading blogs i'd posted from two years ago and it's just weird. That I was actually sat there at that moment and it was all happening. And now so many things have changed. I think it's for the better, well, my life is pretty okay at the moment I guess. So those are like 2 things in my life which are bothering me? Not sure if they're wishes but idk. Anyway still trying to work out my 3rd so until I do, TTFN :] x